gzy's blog

Getting Started

01 About the manuals

01.1 Two manuals

01.2 Vim installed

01.3 Using the Vim tutor

> vim --clean -c 'e $VIMRUNTIME/tutor/tutor' -c 'w! TUTORCOPY' -c 'q'
> vim --clean TUTORCOPY
// The --clean argument makes sure Vim is started with nice defaults.

02 The first steps in Vim

02.1 Running Vim for the First time

02.2 Inserting text

02.3 Moving around

h     l

02.4 Deleting characters

02.5 Undo and Redo

02.6 Other editing commands

02.7 Getting out

02.8 Finding help

03 Moving around

03.6 Telling where you are

03.8 Simple searches

03.10 Using marks

04 Making small changes

04.1 Operators and motions

04.2 Changing text


04.3 Repeating a change

04.4 Visual mode.

04.7 Using the clipboard

04.8 Text objects.

05 Set your settings

05.1 The vimrc file.

05.3 The defaults.vim

05.4 Simple mappings

05.5 Adding a package

05.6 Adding a plugin

05.7 Adding a help file

05.8 The option window

05.9 Often used options

06 Using syntax highlighting

07 Editing more than one file

07.1 Edit another file

07.2 A list of files