gzy's blog
:set compatible?
> vimtutor
> vim --clean -c 'e $VIMRUNTIME/tutor/tutor' -c 'w! TUTORCOPY' -c 'q'
> vim --clean TUTORCOPY
// The --clean argument makes sure Vim is started with nice defaults.
:set showmode
h l
CTRL-O jump to older position
:help CTRL-A
:help cpo-<letter>
:help i_CTRL-H
:help i_CTRL-W
:help i_CTRL-X
:help i_<Up>
:help v_o
:help c_%
:help -t
:help 'number'
:help :s
:help E37
:help >cont
show where you are.:set ruler/ru
enable ruler.:set ignorecase
ignoring case*
searching for a ward in the text/\<the\>
searching for whole words.:set hlsearch
highlighting matches.:set incsearch
display the match for the string while you are still typing it.:jumps
gives a list of positions you jumped to.
get a list of marks.m{mark}
place a mark.'{mark}
jump to mark.d4w
delete four words.c4w
just like “d” operator, except it leaves you in Insert mode.SHORTCUTS
delete character under the cursor.X
delete character left of the cursor.D
delete to end of the line.C
change to end of the line.s
change one character.S
change a whole line..
It repeats the last change.v
selecting lines.CTRL-V
selecting blocks.o
only takes you to one of the other corners.O
move to the other corner in the same line."*y
copy to the clipboard."*p
put text from the clipboard.daw
delete a word.:edit $MYVIMRC
mentions the name of the “user vimrc file” Vim looks for.set backspace=indent,eol,start
set showcmd
set wilemenu
filetype plugin indent on
:map <F5> i{<Esc>ea}<Esc>
packadd! matchit
:help matchit
:set iskeyword&
:set ignorecase
:set nowrap
:set list
:hide edit foo.txt
where am i
:set autowrite
automatic writing:args five.c six.c seven.h
editing another list of files